Hi, I’m Brooke!

Women’s Health RN, Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Lactation Counselor, and Certified Women’s Health Coach.

Before my work helping women with their hormonal and reproductive health challenges, I had my own health journey. Years ago, I suffered from periods of awful acne, menstrual pain, painful ovarian cysts, and even developed a fibroid. I was placed on birth control to help, which ended up causing its own set of issues for me due to crazy side effects.

I knew there had to be a better way, so I decided that I would start looking into more holistic approaches to address my issues. With a strong family history of hysterectomies and reproductive health conditions like fibroids and endometriosis, I knew that I had to do whatever I could to make my experience different.

My first step was changing my diet, which was pretty horrible at the time. I was amazed at how nutrition alone truly made such a huge difference in my symptoms. I built upon those habits by beginning to adopt many other holistic strategies. Over time, my acne cleared up, my menstrual cycle was more regular and less painful, my ovarian cysts completely stopped forming, and I had two complication-free easy pregnancies.

I now work with women who have many of these same issues by showing them how to leverage nutrition and other lifestyle based methods to improve their feminine health and optimize their fertility naturally. I have a level of empathy and compassion for my clients that is so genuine because I've been there before.

I've been there, worried about my family history of gynecological issues, worried about my own fertility after finding out that I had a fibroid, and worried that I would always have to deal with some form of reproductive health concerns.

The most amazing thing is that I made it to the other side. I’m able to tell you with certainty that there are so many things you can do to prevent, better manage, or even reverse many of these issues. This is the driving force behind why I created my women’s holistic health practice. I look forward to sharing my expertise with you.

-Brooke Davis BSN, RN, CCM, CHC. CLC

Education and Licensure

Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. The University of Cincinnati (2009)

Registered Nurse licensure (2009)

Certified Nurse Case Manager. Comission for Case Manager Certification (2017)

Certified Health Coach. The National Society of Health Coaches (2018)

Women’s Hormonal Health Apprenticeship graduate. The Institute of Menstrual Health (2019)

Certified Lactation Counselor. The Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice (2022)

Master of Science in Holistic Nutrition degree. The University of Natural Health. (pending completion 2023)


"Women often think that they're stuck with the feminine health concerns that they face. There are real solutions to these problems, many which of which can be achieved naturally and holistically."

- Brooke Davis